
Read below to find out more about Camunda’s eco-efforts, & our eco-resort:

Camunda’s Eco-Efforts

In line with Camunda’s overall Environmental Management Policy, check out what Camunda is doing at our Retreats to help lessen our impact: 

Agile Approach to Retreat Travel & Carbon Offsetting

Whilst there are set guidelines for Retreat travel booking, when possible, Camunda is happy to enable Camundi who are interested in taking lower carbon-emitting forms of transport to our Retreat venues. These requests are dealt with on a case-by-case basis and need to be approved before booking. Find out more HERE.

For airport-to-retreat transfers, we aim to use only group transfers. Minimizing private (groups of 4 or less) transfers when possible.

If, at the close of books, after the Retreat, Camunda finds itself with leftover Retreat budget, we will engage carbon-offsetting organizations to commit the leftover budget to. 

Conscious Sourcing & Connections

We’re keeping our product sourcing and vendor connections as local as possible! Not only does working with local vendors & businesses usually mean that we end up with top-quality products and services, but it also means that our carbon footprint is smaller and we’re able to feed directly back into the local community. 

SWAG Amnesty

We all appreciate a bit of SWAG, but we don’t always want to keep what is gifted to us. Hand in hand with conscious sourcing & SWAG minimizing, Camunda is also introducing SWAG Amnesty bins at our Retreats.

Won’t use your T-shirt after the Retreat? Want to make sure your lanyard is put to good use and the booklet recycled? Pop it in the amnesty bin and Camunda will make sure that everything is reused, recycled, or if needed, disposed of in the least environmentally impactful way!

Any questions or ideas for what else Camunda could do? You can find a suggestions form at the bottom of the Environmental Management Policy.

Our 2024 Eco-Resort

Alongside our own eco-efforts, we are beyond excited to find ourselves spending the week at one of Club Med’s newest eco-resorts. That sounds cool, right? But what does it mean? Find out just some of what Club Med does at their Miches venue to earn its eco-resort status:

  • Green Globe Certification: As with many other venues under Club Med, Miches is fully Green Globe certified.
  • Local solidarity: Since opening, Club Med has been able to support the community through the sourcing and use of local products (90% of food products used on site are local) and by providing language, vocational, and hospitality training.
  • Eliminating single-use plastics & reducing food waste: The elimination of single-use plastics has been achieved through removing single-use food items (straws, cutlery, etc.), building an on-site water bottling facility, and introducing refillable toiletries. A simple but considered approach to food waste has seen waste reduced to an average of just 101g per person, per meal.
  • Respectful building processes: As well as introducing 4,000 sqm of solar panels on-site, transplanting 2,000 plants & introducing 30,000 new plants, Club Med takes a durable approach to construction.

You can read more about Club Med’s ‘Happy to Care’ commitment here.

Introducing Camunda’s Retreat Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiative

While our Annual Retreat is an opportunity to learn, better connect, recharge, and relax as a team, it is also an exciting chance for Camunda to have an outwardly positive impact. This is why we are excited to announce our Retreat Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative.

Starting with our 2024 Retreat, we will work with nonprofits, tourist boards, local communities, and, where possible, government organizations to give back just as much as we get from our unforgettable Retreat experiences. 

Our contribution will look different in each place that we visit but we promise to leave the biggest and most positive imprint that we possibly can. 

You can read about this year’s Retreat CSR Initiative HERE.

If you have any questions, ideas or simply want to chat about the initiative, please reach out to Eve via Slack. Stay tuned for more!